Monday, April 22, 2013


Have you given a smile today?
An unexpected hug?
Made a compliment to a strange?
Helped someone in a difficult moment?
Looked at the eyes of another person with genuine interest?
Listened willingly?
Honored a promise?
Mended a relationship?
Healed a broken heart?
Expressed gratitude?
After a wrong doing said how sorry you are?
Gestures of kindness are so fundamental!!
Lets exert our humanity!
Lets reinforce positive things in our relationships
Lets make people feel special every day
It will be good to them and to us
Lets have as the utmost purpose in life
To be good, loving, understanding, respectful, caring
Love and Peace
Smiles increase!
-Simone Bittencourt-

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Yesterday in the Boston blasts
Between all that tragedy and chaos
It was beautiful too see
The willingness of some to help others
Seconds immediately after the explosions

Unknown hands
Have made the bombs
That killed some and injured so many
Also unknown hands were there
To try to avoid more losses

Hands are powerful things
They can hit and destroy
But also can heal and rebuild
Hands can cause a revolution
They can inflict pain
But also spread peace

To each hand that causes suffering
We must mobilize others to restore hope
Reassure love
Promote understanding
Bring a light in the end of the tunnel
When there is nothing more valuable
Than being human
By showing the nurturing face of our hands!